

The probability area of the School of Mathematics has a small but active group of researchers and a certain number of motivated students.

Currently we develop research on random paths in random media, KPZ equation, interacting particle systems and percolation, in addition to the relationship with statistical physics.

Applications in industry, economics, finance and other topics are also developed, which mainly involve the modeling of stochastic processes, Monte Carlo simulation and stochastic optimization.

The group maintains active collaboration with the IMPA in Brazil and the PUC in Chile.


  • Oviedo, G., Panizo, G., & Ramírez, A. F. (2022). Second order fluctuations of large deviations for perturbed random walks. Electronic Journal of Probability, 27, 1–45.
  • Camarena, D., Panizo, G., & Ramírez, A. F. (2021). An overview of the balanced excited random walk. In M. E. Vares, R. Fernández, L. R. Fontes, & C. M. Newman (Eds.), In and Out of Equilibrium 3: Celebrating Vladas Sidoravicius (pp. 207–217). Birkhäuser.