
Helmuth Villavicencio Fernandez

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Researcher at the Institute of Mathematics and Related Sciences IMCA-UNI. Experience in research projects related to the modeling and prediction of the behavior of chaotic and unstable systems. Member of the Dynamic Systems and Probability research group of the National University of Engineering. Bachelor of Mathematics from the National University of San Marcos. Visiting professor at: Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics - IMPA, Rio de Janeiro Brazil and University of Bío Bío, Concepción Chile. Areas of interest: Topological Dynamics, Differentiable Dynamics, Ergodic Theory, General Topology and Convex Analysis.

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Program: Master in Applied Mathematics
Thesis title Teorema de Oseledets
Defense date 2015-04-10
Advisor Dr. Roger Metzger
Supervisor 1 Dr. Oswaldo Velasquez Castañon
Supervisor 2 Dr. Roland Rabanal Montoya
Program: Doctorate in Mathematics
Thesis title Un indicador de complejidad en sistemas dinámicos
Defense date 2018-01-30
Advisor Dr. Roger Metzger
External advisor Dr. Carlos Morales Rojas
Supervisor 1 Dr. Serafin Bautista Diaz
Supervisor 2 Dr. Rudy Rosas Bazán